1598 Positivo Sand Bar Omakase Omakase in Puerto Rico delivers Recommended 12/05/2023 Higuillar , Puerto Rico
22 Park Restaurant A renowned Montreal sushiya makes up for a terrible hockey team Recommended 06/25/2017 Montreal , Quebec
39 Mini Sushi Bar A high-end hotel is the scene for a young itamae finding his sushi journey Recommended 09/18/2019 Washington , D.C.
84 Cagen So here's the thing about Cagen....they have some of the most unique fish that I've ever had. Recommended 05/13/2015 New York , New York
40 Sushi Lab Part science experiment, part laid-back Omakase, all kinds of value Recommended 08/16/2019 New York , New York
36 Taro’s Fish A fabulous fish market doubles as a sushi haven in Toronto Recommended 02/01/2021 Toronto , Ontario
35 KAI ZAN So here's the thing about Kai Zan...I'm pretty sure it's the future of sushi Recommended 09/26/2014 Chicago , Illinois
1504 Sushi Erika Not every Miami sushiya is touristy Recommended 03/16/2023 North Bay Village , Florida